How to Use the AVERAGE Function in Excel

How to Use the AVERAGE Function in Excel - Excel is a powerful tool that helps you perform complex calculations and analysis with ease. One of the most frequently used functions in Excel is the AVERAGE function. This function allows you to find the average value of a series of numbers, which can be useful in a variety of situations. In this article, we will walk you through how to use the AVERAGE function in Excel.

Understanding the AVERAGE Function

The AVERAGE function in Excel is easy to use. It calculates the average of a range of numbers you enter in the function. The average is calculated by adding up all the numbers in the range and then dividing the total by the number of cells containing data. Here's a simple example: Suppose you have a range of numbers from A1 to A5, and you want to find the average. To do this, you can use the following formula:`=AVERAGE(A1:A5)` This formula will add up all the numbers in the range and then divide the total by the number of cells(5 in this case) containing data.

Using the AVERAGE Function with Multiple Ranges

In addition to using the AVERAGE function with a single range of numbers, you can also use it with multiple ranges. This is useful if you have data in different parts of your worksheet and want to find the average of all the data.To use the AVERAGE function with multiple ranges, you need to enclose each range in parentheses and separate them with commas. Here's an example:`=AVERAGE(A1:A5, B1:B5)` This formula will find the average of all the numbers in range A1:A5 as well as range B1:B5.

Ignoring Blank Cells

The AVERAGE function in Excel includes blank cells in the calculation by default. However, you can exclude blank cells from the calculation if you want. This is useful if you have a large range of data and only want to find the average of the cells that have data. To exclude blank cells from the calculation, you can use the AVERAGEIF function. Here's an example:`=AVERAGEIF(A1:A5,"<>")` This formula will find the average of all the cells in range A1:A5 that are not blank.

Using the AVERAGE Function with Conditions

The AVERAGE function in Excel can also be used with conditions. This allows you to find the average of a subset of the data that meets a certain criterion. To use the AVERAGE function with conditions, you can use the AVERAGEIF or AVERAGEIFS function. The AVERAGEIF function allows you to find the average of a range of cells that meet a certain criterion. Here's an example: Suppose you have a range of numbers from A1 to A5, and you want to find the average of all the numbers that are greater than 5. You can use the following formula:`=AVERAGEIF(A1:A5,">5")` This formula will find the average of all the cells in range A1:A5 that are greater than 5. If you have more than one condition, you can use the AVERAGEIFS function. This function allows you to find the average of a range of cells that meet multiple criteria. Here's an example: Suppose you have a range of numbers from A1 to A5, and you want to find the average of all the numbers that are greater than 5 and less than 10. You can use the following formula:`=AVERAGEIFS(A1:A5, A1:A5,">5", A1:A5,"<10")` This formula will find the average of all the cells in range A1:A5 that are greater than 5 and less than 10.


The AVERAGE function in Excel is a powerful tool that can help you find the average value of a range of numbers. Whether you are working with a single range or multiple ranges, the AVERAGE function is easy to use. You can also use the function with conditions, which allows you to find the average of a subset of the data that meets certain criteria.By following the steps outlined in this article, you should be able to use the AVERAGE function in Excel with ease. With a little bit of practice, you will be able to use this function to analyze data and make informed decisions quickly and efficiently.

Video How to Use the AVERAGE Function in Excel

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